Thursday, September 18, 2008


Politics are making me sick. Physically ill.

I started getting into politics because I had a crazy idea in my head. I thought politics were about issues. Nope. That is the last thing politics is about. What are politics all about?

Personality, race, gender, RELIGION, intelligence, and above all, good-ol' down to earth values.

My stomach hurts, my body shutters, I lose faith in this silly country.

I can't wait to post about nationalism, but thats not what this post is about.

Americans want a President who is like them. Perhaps just as stupid, ignorant, and religious, holds the same prejudices and hatred for certain types of people, and is in-touch with the people.

Not me.

I want my president to be the smartest person possible. I want him or her to someone who would think I am stupid. I don't want my president to talk about religion, ever. I don't give a shit what deity they follow.

Americans want their president to follow their values.

Fuck that. I don't care if my candidate has been married ten times and cheated on every single on of his/her spouse. I don't care where someones penis has been, nor what females do with their vaginas. I just don't think a persons "values" have anything to do with the president they will be. Hell, FDR cheated on his wife, lots. You know who has never cheated on his wife? George W. Bush. Go ahead and bash FDR and praise George Bush, I don't care. FDR did some evil things as well.

Lets talk about Obama and McCain.

I support Obama, though, I disagree with him on most issues. A lot of issues. I hate a lot of the things he believes. Stupid Americans may not like him because he is black, other morons may not like him because they think he is a Muslim.

But, first, why would it be a bad thing if he was a Muslim? Don't you silly Christians realize you share the same God? That Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all come from Abraham?

Why must your candidate be a Christian? Adolf Hitler was a "Christian", but he was as much a Christian as he was a "Socialist". I don't understand it.

Well, you silly people will be happy to know Obama is a Christian, which I don't like about him. That would be the last religion I would want my candidate to be, I would much prefer a Muslim, and even more an atheist. I can't see a non-christian becoming President in my life time. Not in this backwards country.

And you want to discuss his lack of experience? So the fuck what? How much experience did Lincoln have? The American people want the president to be extremely experienced and a dumbass at the same time.

I don't vote on experience. There is only one thing I vote on, and that is issues. I am a liberal, and will vote for whoever is more liberal of the two candidates. Obama is not liberal at all, but he beats McCain.

Here is where I disagree with Obama, and these views will be expanded in upcoming posts:

- Health care- I want a single payer health insurance system. Its that simple.

-Drugs- Obama in most cases wants harsher drug laws, I want all drugs to be legal.

-Gay rights-Obama is against Gay Marriage, I am for it.

-War- Obama is for the war in Afghanistan, I am against all wars. Yeah, I'm a pacifist, an idealist, call me what you like.

Economics- Obama is a fiscal conservative in many ways. I am borderline socialistic, though I believe in a mixed economy. The free-market certainly has its place, and I believe it can solve many things.

-I agree with Obama when it comes to abortion however, so thats good.

- And many more, I'm sure, but I think I should wrap this up.


Alex said...

I don't know, Mark. Look at the great successes of our two born-again Christian Presidents, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. They both have an outstanding track record. On the other hand, look at the catastrophic failures in American life under the administrations of those immoral adulterers FDR, JFK and Bill Clinton.

Unknown said...

I love how I made you rehash all of this while sitting at Starbucks, only to come home and read your blog.

I just pissed off my extended family. They were talking about how Obama is an assassination attempt waiting to happen, and I said, well at least we know his veep can run a country if he is knocked off. They told me I was under the wrong roof to spout stuff like that.

& I just sit back and think, yep, liberal fo' life.

Anonymous said...

I think you need more milk, much, much more milk....

Anonymous said...

Why is religion a key topic in all of your blogs?

Mark K Williams said...

To Alex: Yeah, exactly, the whole "sharing our values" thing is kind of silly in my view. The whole sharing religion thing is as well.

Sarah: Yeah, it was all fresh in my mind anyway. When I write everything I have in my head, I am kind of forced to repeat it all.

I hear about how Obama will be assassinated all the time. I'm not very concerned about it, and I tell people it won't happen, but to be honest, at his convention I was worried the entire time he would be killed. Assassination is just one of this countries terrible legacies, and any time a truly inspiration person comes around they are killed...

To Jessica:

I'm not sure. I am certainly not obsessed with religion, it is just something I don't get to discuss often. This blog isn't meant to be my soapbox for anti-religious rhetoric, just what I am think about certain things. I have no problem with Christianity, just most Christians.

Alex said...

Mark, I am glad you are taking the time to discuss these issues. They are sensitive topics for most of us, and it's not often we get to discuss without being judged or criticized for what we have to say. I agree with you that any concept of "family values" is a sham; obviously it only applies to families we like.

Anonymous said...

I thought Obama was pro-gay marraige, but maybe I only thought that because he was a Democrat. What pisses me off is that even if Obama is the next Messiah (republicans like to mimic that...), it won't be the end of our country's problems. Cause we have hundreds of other self-serving politicians in Congress waiting to f up our nation some more just so they can get reelected.

F*** politicians. F*** them in their stupid asses.

Mark K Williams said...

Gee, thanks for all the comments.

Alex: Yeah, I hope that this will give me an opportunity to not only blather on my own crazy views, but also learn what others thing about issues, and hopefully get a new understanding of some issues from different viewpoints.

Steven: Yeah, I've listen to Obama very carefully, he is against gay marriage, and for civil unions. That used to be my position as well. Then, I developed a moral conscience. Civil Unions seem like "you can drink at this water fountain, but not this one..." just another form of discrimination. Civil rights progress slowly though.

Certainly the congress will be trouble. If only we had more people like Dennis Kucinich the country would be in better shape.

Also, my next blog will be about Nationalism! Should be fun!

Alex said...

Mark, I'd love to hear what you think about nationalism. I can't stop thinking about you in Comp. Gov. or the America Booth...

Politicians are individually responsive, but collectively irresponsible. This is why the U.S. House of Representatives has around a 95% re-election rate, but only around 24% of Americans approve of the job that Congress is doing. Each Congressperson can please their own constituents (or pretend to) while neglecting to serve the interests of the American people as a whole. As long as each Congressperson is re-elected by his or her own constituents, he or she has little reason to worry about America's problems. There just isn't enough incentive. (And yes, I am saying he and she because I am way too politically correct for my own good sometimes; yes, I do hate political correctness; yes, it is a paradox.)

Anonymous said...

Hmm im curious you talk about discrimination and how wrong it is, but yet you discriminate against people who are Christians I find this very strange.

Mark K Williams said...

To mystery person::

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give the impression that I dislike people who are Christian merely for being Christian. A vast majority of my friends are Christians. The person I will vote for president is a Christian. I used to be a Christian. I have nothing against people for just believing in this particular faith. I dislike a lot of the things that go with it.

I said that Christianity was the last religion that I would want my candidate to be. This was a mistake, and written mostly because of my anger at the current administration and the reigning Christian-right.

I don't mind if my candidate happens to be a Christian, just as long as they don't run on that. If they are asked, they should tell the truth, but it should not be viewed as an asset. Just as race or sex shouldn't be an asset.

Would I be wrong if I said that I hope my next candidate is a black/Hispanic/non-white female? Not because I think having any of those characteristic have anything to do with governing, just because it would help to dissolve some of the discrimination in this country.

My vote wouldn't be influenced on race/sex/religion, don't get my wrong. I vote on issues. That's it.

Once again, I am sorry to give the impression of discrimination. I do view any kind of discrimination wrong, and I am glad you called me out on it so I could correct myself.