Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Religion-Part One

I must be pretty ambitious. First real post about religion? Yep. Its something I don't often talk about, so here we go boys and girls.

I've never really gone to church. I mean, I've gone with grandma at Christmas time, or with my friends when they went. But never with my immediate family. God bless my family for that.

I grew up knowing I was a Christian. I just didn't go to church. Thats how we did things. I knew the basic ideas. Jesus died for my sins, and I was going to heaven. Thats all I needed to know.

Until I turned twelve. I started reading "The Left Behind" series. Talk about indoctrinated. That was my drug. Marx said religion is the opiate of the people? Those books were my morphine.

Imagine! Jesus coming back to take all us believers to heaven, and leaving all those heathens on earth to suffer through some pretty horrible (and super cool) tribulations.

Going to heaven without dying! I was all aboard for that idea! Sign me up!

Did I feel odd not going to church? Not at all. This was my church. I bought my own bible, and started reading the old testament.

Then I stopped. Was this really what God was about? Ignore that, I skipped to the New Testament, and read all the red letters.

I was saved. Born again. A Christian who had accepted Jesus into his heart.

In one of these books, one of the characters wanted to have an abortion (She was pregnant with the son of the Anti-Christ, no I'm serious)

I didn't know much about abortion, but I knew I was against it, vehemently. I was ready to go protest.

I mean, what if that was me? About to get aborted?

I had never really gone to church, but I was as Christian as you could get. Hell, not going to church was the only way I could have become this Christian. By myself. That's my way. Self-discovery.

I thought that was the right way to do things, and I still do. Why have another person explain your beliefs? I think you are the best person to discover your own, for yourself.

Thats just me... Part two coming up...

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