Being able to make an unlimited amount of money.
Being able to buy anything (gas-guzzling cars, guns, every competitor.)
Owning lots of land.
Earning an untaxed income.
Passing down huge untaxed estates. (Oh Sam, after Pa died, the gubbyment took the whole farm, we are going to have join the sex trade).
Using as much gasoline and power as wanted.
Keeping all traditional definitions intact. The meaning of words is very important to conservatives... unless that word is patriotism and the president's party changes.
CHOICE!!! Well, not when it comes to the choice of same-sex marriage, assisted suicide, recreational use of drugs (though both parties are very weak on this issue), or abortion. But! Conservatives want you to have the choice of...a doctor! Yeah! And, you get to pick which health insurance company gets to fuck you over when you, or family members, are dying!
Freedom of speech: Hey! That liberal attacked what (insert favorite conservative voice) said! He/she is trying to stifle his/her freedom of speech!
Look! Obama laughed at a joke about Rush Limbaugh dying. Which is far worse than Limbaugh's saying he hopes Obama fails! And criticizing that remark is a violation of free speech. (I don't give a shit that he said he hopes Obama fails, I just know that if a liberal would have said that, it would have been the end of his career)
Freedom of religion: TEACH CREA-I mean, INTELLIGENT DESIGN IN THE CLASSROOM! It's only fair! Equal time!
(Geroge H.W. Bush: No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.)
Them liberal activist judges took away our freedom of mandatory school prayer!
Freedom of Assembly:
I'm tired, and that's all I can think of.
I...don't even know what to say. You seem like you have a lot of pent-up rage. :/
Sadly enough to say, Matt may be right.
I empathize with your anger over some of the things that have happened in our country, but one can't be angry all the time. It's no way to live.
Um. Angry all the time? I do exist outside of this blog. Actually, I do most of my existing outside of it.
I apologize.
I know you are not angry all of the time. I hope this hasn't prevented you from writing more. I'd like to hear from you again.
Same here. Keep writing. And cheer up. ;)
No worries, I haven't stopped writing because of the comments. I'm actually working on fiction nowadays. I will post again, but I just don't have anything to say right now.
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