That's right. I thought it was just about time for me to cover everyone's favorite topic, abortion!
Ugh. Listen, I will never sway anyone with my views on abortion, and no one will ever sway me. Call me a baby killer all you want.
So, instead I want talk about abortion in a different way.
I think that one of the most dangerous things to our democracy is single-issue voters. And what is the main single issue? Abortion of course. I know of many people who only vote for politicians who are pro-life.
Well, if you are one of those people, let me ask you, how has that worked for you so far? George Bush was pro-life. Is abortion illegal? No. The number of abortions have stagnated, sure, but when Bill Clinton(pro-choice) was president the number of abortions went down, every single year. Perhaps that has nothing to do with who was in charge, but let it show that the pro-lifers have done nothing useful for their movement.
Why is this so dangerous to our nation? It serves the people with unpopular views very well. They use abortion as a wedge issue so that voters will ignore the candidates dangerous policies that go against the voter's own economic benefit. They will vote for this person just because they want to overturn Roe v. Wade.
But, let me ask you, what would happen if Roe v. Wade was overturned?
Nothing. That is until a state made abortion illegal.
See, all Roe V. Wade did was make abortion legal throughout the country, if it is overturned, abortion will still be legal throughout the country. Until a state outlaws it.
Quite a few states have much better protections of a woman's right to choose than Roe V. Wade has. So, abortion will most likely always be legal somewhere in the United States.
Unless, that is, there is a constitutional amendment that outlaws it. Now, why would you state's rights conservatives ever want the federal government telling each state what to do? That would go against your whole principle of state's rights.
Oh yeah, that's right, women get abortions. No problem then. No problem with the federal government telling women what they can and can't do. So long as the federal government doesn't try and touch our guns!
So, what is my view on abortion? I think it should be legal. Maybe I will get more into it in the vigorous discussion that is likely to break out. Man, I hate abortion. Who doesn't?
Let's have better education. Let's have better adoption programs. Let's make it make sense for a woman to carry her unborn to term.
Let's stop this abstinence only bullshit. Kids are going to have sex. So teach them how to do it right. Perhaps the government should issue free contraceptives? Perhaps they should be included when we get universal health care.
No, conservatives don't want that. They want abortion to go away, but they don't want to take the steps too make it go away. They just want to outlaw it, not to solve the problem that is causing the abortions.
And they sure don't want to "encourage kids to have sex". As if you have to encourage kids to have sex, they are going to fuck whether to tell them to or not.
In other news, it looks bad for gay marriage in California. Proposition Hate (8) looks like it is going to pass, which will put a constitutional amendment in the state saying that marriage is only between a man and a woman.
Why is it going to pass? Obama. Plain and simple. Obama is drawing out tons of black voters. they sympathize with the struggle that homosexuals are going through? No. 58% support prop hate. They don't see it as the same as their struggle against "separate but equal". But aren't civil unions supposed to be separate from marriages but equal? I don't blame Obama, and I don't blame blacks. Those are just the facts. The thing I blame is religion. Religion for opposing this civil rights issue. For preaching backwards thought. For preaching hate. Oh, I know you Christians view homosexuality as an abomination, just like shellfish. But does God hate shellfish eaters? Nope, just fags. What did Jesus say about gays? Oh yeah, nothing. He just wanted us to love everyone. Psh. As if Christianity has anything to do with Jesus.
This depresses me a lot. This is going to set California and the gay rights movement back a decade.
I'll have another post up soon, about the Powell endorsement and about DRUGS!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
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I don't think that we should "kill babies". I guess that makes me pro-life. But abortions have been going on since...well, pretty much ever since women have been getting knocked up. If abortion was illegal in this country, it would still happen. In a back alley somewhere, with a coathanger. Laws won't change that. It's illegal to murder, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. And that's far more dramatic.
So...I guess that makes me pro-choice? Or maybe just sensible. I would like there to be no more abortions. I would also like there to be no more wars. It'll be hard to pass laws on enforcable laws on either of those.
I don't really have a comment for Proposition 8. That's too bad, but I think the country will come to its senses in a decade or so. Kind of callous, I know.
Also, the other side of this, how would you punish those who got illegal abortions?
Would they be charged with murder? The doctor with murder? Both? Would a miscarriage be manslaughter?
There are a lot more arguments than just the legal ramifications.
Like, is it wrong to kill someone who cannot feel any pain, has no higher brain functioning, and has no will to live? Something that is almost parasitic in nature?
This argument is cruel, and will never win over anyone. But I think it is fair.
Two things I'd like to say, Mark.
1.) I have a friend who protested an abortion protest by standing by them holding a sign that said "Babies suck!"
2.) I've talked to some Christians who actually reject the label "Christian" in favor for "Follower of Christ". Seeing your comment on "as if Christianity was really about Jesus!" reminded me of that, because it's true. It's not. This second point had nothing to do with abortion.
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