Well, let me back up a bit. Some silly people thought that because John Roberts screwed up the oath, Obama wasn't really president.
Now, he was president. The people who thought he wasn't president are ignorant of what our constitution says and still suffering from sore loser syndrome (see: OBAMA ISN'T A CITIZEN OMGZ). Sure, the oath for the Presidency is in the constitution. It isn't relevant anymore though. See, back during the great depression, everyone was getting really impatient. They wanted to get rid of Hoover, but they were stuck with him until March. They had to wait a long five months after the landslide election before FDR could take office. They didn't like that. So, they passed the 20th Amendment.
Section one says
"The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin"
So, oath or not, Obama was president at noon.
But, for whatever reason (most likely to shut up the paranoid right) Obama and Roberts decided to try it again.
I, for one, am incredibly happy that damned work of fiction wasn't included in swearing in my President. Perhaps this will be a far more moral administration, after all, Obama didn't use an evil book written about a murderous desert god to start his administration.
Glenn Beck then began to lie on Fox News. He stated that Obama is the first president EVA to not use a bible! Well, he needs to hire new researchers. From Thinkprogress.org:
"Beck is simply wrong. As Slate recently reported, official records kept by the Architect of the Capitol show that Teddy Roosevelt did not use a Bible in 1901; and Lyndon Johnson is rumored to have used “a Catholic missal aboard Air Force One after Kennedy’s assassination.” According to his own letters, John Quincy Adams placed his hand on a constitutional law book rather than the Bible."
Geez, I wish Bush would have placed his hand on a constitutional law book... or at least I wish he would have read the Constitution at some point. That's besides the point.
Before President John Tyler, there is no evidence any presidents used a bible to be sworn in. Those damn heathens.
Well, sorry kiddos, but your dream of an American theocracy is going to have to wait for at least four more years. Sarah Palin could usher in a new era of a government ruled by a nonexistent character!
Palin '12! Palin '12! Palin '12! Palin '12! Palin '12! Palin '12! Palin '12!
No, No! Palin/Jindal '12!
Down with reason, up with BABIES!!